>結構型融資各家銀行小額信貸利率比較支票借款台中銀行汽車融資a中壢代書二胎台中銀行信用貸款>低利率影響2017-01-0青創貸款代辦橫山中小企業貸款出國讀書銀行中小企業貸款率利>修繕住宅貸款資格6借錢 本票範例03:00
By Sean Lin / Staff reporterThe Taipei Department of Environmental Protection yesterday unveiled a noise-activated camera to photograph motorists who make excessive noise at night.The system, comprising a single-lens camera and a sound level meter, was jointly developed by the department and a local firm, the department’s Sanitation Inspection Division head Chen Chao-chou (陳沼舟) said.The system sends images and decibel levels to a laptop computer operated by inspectors who are sent to roadsides between 10:30pm and 3:30am, he said.The camera is activated when noise recordings reach 84 decibels or more, which is considered excessive under the Motor Vehicle Noise Control Standards (機動車輛噪音管制標準), he said.In comparison with manual means of apprehending loud motorists, the camera is capable of capturing high-resolution images that clearly show license plate numbers even in dim light, with decibel levels, date and time recorded on the photographs, he said.Not including the sound meter, the system cost NT$190,000.The department plans to alternate use of the system along 10 road sections in Taipei where it has received the most complaints about noisy motorists, including Neihu Road and the intersection of Civic Boulevard and Fuxing S Road, and decide whether to buy more systems based on the results, he said.After people are sent the photographs, they will have one month to go to a designated motor vehicle office to have their vehicle inspected, he said.Those whose vehicles are found to be louder than the legal standard will be fined between NT$1,800 and NT$3,600 depending on the decibel levels, he said.Those who fail to show up for inspections will have their licenses suspended after six weeks, and revoked after three months, he said.“Generally, people will restore their vehicles, for example their exhaust pipes, to stock condition before an inspection. This is what we hope to achieve by enforcing the act,” department commissioner Liou Ming-lone (劉銘龍) said.“We are not opposed to people driving supercars or riding motorcycles. We just hope people will not modify their vehicles in ways that would disturb others,” he said.The system is to begin operations this weekend, he said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
房仲比較土地二胎融資銀行定存利率試算 勞工紓困貸款資格a信用借款債務協商會影響房貸>當鋪借款文山二信貸款如何卡債整合協商房貸轉增借款條件預售屋自備款貸款成數a台灣銀行就學貸款利息>銀行汽車貸款條件銀行公教人員貸款 房屋貸款繳稅獅子鄉中小企業貸款重機貸款試算>台南房貸增貸>利息課稅>會計借貸表台南 土地貸款購屋借款利息儲蓄投資特別扣除額a青年創業貸款課程 青年首購房貸試算a嘉義二胎房屋貸款>勞工房屋貸款率利 2017 高雄汽車增貸>墊付國內票款